Jessica Collins
Menzies Research Institute
Saving our skin!
My name is Jessica Collins and I am an Honours student at the Menzies Research Institute. I am part of the immunology group and my research is aimed at finding new ways to prevent skin cancer.
I have always been fascinated by the human body and how it works, and knew something in the field of human biology and medicine was for me. But what?
Ever since a young age I was never content with the answers being given to me and was always left asking 'but why?' This lead me to pursue the field of Medical Research, a career that would allow me to answer all my 'but whys?' for myself.
I chose medical research to make a difference in the world. Skin cancer rates in Australia are of the highest in the world, and being a passionate outdoorsmen and sports lover I can see the importance of finding new preventions and treatments for this disease.
I intend to continue to pursue a career in science and research because it has taught me to really think about things, to problem solve, to be perseverant and patient and ultimately I find it extremely rewarding.
Find out more about the Menzies Research Institute at:, and about the Australian Cancer Council at: