Sandra Exelby
Aspiring Zoologist
Since the age of six, my love for animals has always inspired me to learn about their behaviour and physiology, and has motivated me to work towards a career in lecturing in this fascinating subject. My schooling started in North Queensland until my family and I moved to the United States for my father’s mining career. After moving back to New South Wales, I completed Years 11 and 12 in Dubbo. At this point, I had a strong interest in researching the physiology of domestic animals. I believe this interest grew out of my early desire to be a vet. In 2009, I completed first year of a Bachelor of Animal Science at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga which further honed my interest to animal behaviour research.
After moving to Tasmania in 2010, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Science at the University of Tasmania, which has been my most challenging and inspiring experience. My studies so far have introduced me to the roles that hormones and pheromones play in reproduction and behaviour, the unique traits of Tasmanian animals, invertebrate taxa and human social psychology.
My fascination with animals and their behaviour is accompanied by a strong enjoyment of teaching and a desire to help educate and inspire others. With so much media coverage of the stunning decline of the Tasmanian Devil population in recent years, along with projections of biodiversity decline because of habitat loss and climate change, I am highly motivated by the idea of inspiring Tasmania’s young people to appreciate and embrace this island’s wildlife. If my presentations inspire even one student to appreciate, study or share the importance of animals and their habitat, I would consider my efforts a fulfilling success.
For further information: www.utas.edu.au/zoology