Brendan Fisher
Organic Chemist
UTAS School of Physical Sciences
Brendan Fisher, a 23 year old student born and raised in Hobart. I completed my undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and Medical Research last year and am now doing an Honours degree in Chemistry.
Throughout my degree I’ve studied many subjects, including chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology. University was always my planned pathway, as I knew it would provide me with the right qualifications and knowledge to pursue a fulfilling career and indeed, life. This has proved to be true so far, and through studying at UTAS I’ve broadened my knowledge and skills beyond what I could have imagined. The passionate and skilled teachers I have learned from in every school I’ve attended are the most important influences for my education and career in science.
My current research project involves recreating special plant hormones called “strigolactones”. In nature, plants use these hormones to gain much needed nutrients to help themselves stay strong and healthy; and scientists who work with plants need access to lots of these hormones to carry out their own experiments. So my job is to create synthetic copies of strigolactones in large quantities to supply the School of Plant Science. I am also looking for better ways to make these hormones quickly and cheaply.
After completing my Honours year I hope to pursue more post-graduate study and research, hopefully through a PhD program at UTAS or interstate. My main goals are to conduct research in organic synthesis, teach in a university and to work overseas.
I love organic chemistry and chemistry in general, however all aspects of science continue to inspire me every day. The methods of science, the feeling of discovery, the sheer body of knowledge and frighteningly ingenious discoveries are amazing to immerse yourself in and I aspire to play an active role in this every day. I love organic chemistry the most as it enables us to make molecules in a flask that nature took billions of years to develop, or might not ever have existed at all!
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