Jeremy Just
PhD student (Chemistry) & Science Communicator
School of Physical Sciences, University of Tasmania
When I was a kid I learned that fire was a chemical reaction. From there I discovered the joy of chemistry, and have been learning all about it ever since. I have also studied many other types of science at university, including pharmacology, toxicology, physics, zoology, and biochemistry. My PhD research is looking into new methods to extract chemicals out of plants.
I have a strong passion for science communication. I started with the Young Tassie Scientists back in 2011, and since then I have spent time travelling Tasmania and Australia presenting science shows to thousands of people across the country. Now I get paid to present chemistry shows, to share (safely!) the chemistry of fire.
One of the best things I have found about being a scientist is the joy of sharing knowledge with others, watching as people develop an interest and are amazed by the same things that amazed me as a student. I don’t know what I’ll do when I grow up, but I do know there will be lots of science, and lots of talking to people about science.
Find me on Twitter: @Just___Jeremy
For further information: www.utas.edu.au/chemistry