Fiona Hume
I grew up on a farm, surrounded by nature; plants, animals, wind, clouds, rain and drought and maybe that’s why I developed a passion for nature.
I studied a Bachelor of Science at UTAS, majoring in Geography and Zoology. After graduating, I was fortunate to go to Antarctica to study Adelie penguins. I then studied albatrosses on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. I have since worked with seals and penguins in Tasmania and Victoria, Tasmanian devils and threatened bird species. I have also volunteered extensively in Tasmania and overseas.
I currently have several jobs. I work for the
Parks and Wildlife Service as a Discovery Ranger running environmental education programs at schools and in National Parks. I also work for the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) and the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC) conducting bird surveys (swift parrot and forty spotted pardalote). I also visit Phillip Island every year to conduct seal and penguin diet analyses. When I’m not doing my science or education work, I’m up on the farm looking after the sheep and the environment on the farm.
I am thankful for the many amazing teachers and lecturers that I had at high school and at University. I have worked with many inspiring people over the years; people who have such passion and drive for the species they study and for the conservation of Tasmania’s biodiversity.
In the future I plan to continue with work on the conservation of birds and their habitat. I love that science can take you in so many directions and to so many places and ultimately, can help us to understand and conserve nature.
For more information: www.dpiw.tas.gov.au; www.tasland.org.au; www.parks.tas.gov.au