Reyne Pullen
I have always found subjects such as Maths and Science to be more to my liking. To begin with it was due to finding these subjects easier, but later I developed a real interest in science itself.
One concept that stood out for me was the process of photosynthesis – the fact that a bright green compound can convert sunlight into energy really made me start to wonder about how everything works.
From quite an early age I wanted to go to university because the process of learning was always really interesting for me. My goal has always been to become a Science and/or Maths teacher. I decided to undertake a Bachelor of Science degree first, focussing mainly on Maths and Chemistry so I could really develop my scientific knowledge. Currently I am undertaking a PhD in Chemical Education. The drive of my project is to improve the experience and understanding of students undertaking chemistry lab work. My project is a comparative study of different teaching styles when used within the chemistry laboratory and to analyse the advantages/disadvantages. Ultimately I hope to become a classroom teacher and teach Maths and science to students of all ages.
By far my most important influences were my teachers. I had the incredible luck of having fantastic teachers in both Maths and Science which continued from primary school all the way through to the university level. Not only were they genuinely good teachers, they always had a smile and most importantly were excited not only about what they were teaching, but teaching it to us.
Science is a constantly changing field where explanations for the most simple or complex of things can be given. It gives a perspective into how the world works and interacts with surroundings.
For more information: www.utas.edu.au/chemistry; www.asta.edu.au